[alt-photo] Re: gum speckling

Diana Bloomfield dhbloomfield at bellsouth.net
Fri Nov 18 17:30:05 GMT 2011

Okay;  thanks, Matt.  I'll look forward to seeing you and your  
prints.  Just give me a call when you're here.

On Nov 18, 2011, at 12:18 PM, Willen, Matthew S wrote:

> Hi Diana,
> Thanks. I've just got them hanging to dry now, and will scan them  
> after
> they are dry enough to put on the scanner. I'm trying out some fresh  
> from
> the bottle gum with sensistizer I've been using and then some fresh  
> from
> the bottle sensitizer with the gum I've been using on smaller prints  
> to
> see if one or the other might be culprit. Let's see.
> I'll be down your way again in a couple of weeks. I'll touch bases and
> perhaps we can meet up again and show you some of what I am working  
> at.
> M
> On 11/18/11 12:13 PM, "Diana Bloomfield" <dhbloomfield at bellsouth.net>
> wrote:
>> What does the speckling look like, Matt?  Whenever I've had any kind
>> of speckling, it's typically from using too much pigment-- but maybe
>> what I'm envisioning as "speckling," is not the same as what you're
>> seeing.  Is the pigment flaking off, or is it just not being picked  
>> up
>> by the paper?   From what I understand, excess heat can sometimes
>> cause a kind of speckling.  I always let my prints dry in the dark,
>> using no added heat-- just room temperature drying-- but if you're
>> using a hair dryer-- could be too much heat?  Can you show us one of
>> the speckled images?  That might help.
>> On Nov 18, 2011, at 11:54 AM, Willen, Matthew S wrote:
>>> Hi, Just wondering if someone might help me out here. My gum prints
>>> were coming out just fine, and then just a few days ago I started
>>> getting some very dramatic speckling on the prints. Using the same
>>> batch of sized paper (gelatin-glyoxal), and Potassium bichromate at
>>> 1:1 ratio pigment gum mix. Any suggestions or experience with this?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Matt
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