[alt-photo] Re: Palladium Failures

EJ Photo ejnphoto at sbcglobal.net
Sat Oct 1 01:36:32 GMT 2011

If it were me, I'd find an old friendly batch piece that was keep around
that used to work fine. I'd start small and use the chemistry like I always
had before on it. If it works fine then the papers that you are now using
would be suspect #1 and 2. If you have a failure with that, look to your
mixing. Distilled? FO fresh? came from ?  

With freshly made batch of Pot Ox try the same. Paper fiber might be an
issue with soaking too long. I read here that they hang to dry, but I have
only notice more paper fiber coming into the picture that way. 

A circular pattern indicates a bad sizing to me, especially if the circle
has smaller global regions attached.  I'd reject the paper.


Eric Neilsen
Eric Neilsen Photography
4101 Commerce Street, Suite 9
Dallas, TX 75226
skype me with ejprinter
Let's Talk Photography

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