[alt-photo] casein cont...

Matti Koskinen mjkoskin at gmail.com
Mon Oct 24 15:04:47 GMT 2011

I use Patent Grey watercolour which actually is very black. So it may be 
the culprit for such a long exposures. Temperaprint is something like 10 
minutes, same dichromate, but I'm using burnt umbra.

The casein print isn't over nor underexposed. The image appears by 
brushing the print lightly. Last paper was coated as tempera, first 
spreading the mixture with brush and then using foam roller to even the 
coating. The coating was thicker than  my earlier attempts using lighter 
coating and brushing, but that leaved bad lines.
With this thicker layer 40 mins was not enough.  Then I exposed 80 mins, 
and that made the print very black. Used sodium carbonate bath, and then 
brusing revealed the image, but with no details. I'll do a new mixture 
of casein and use Sienna natural and look what kind of results that gives.



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