Paul Viapiano viapiano at pacbell.net
Sat Sep 10 14:58:42 GMT 2011

Yes, I'd try an alignment before looking further.

Then I'd try a different feed route...try to systematically eliminate one 
variable at a time.

As you know, there have been instances of print head failure popping up now 
and then,


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "BOB KISS" <bobkiss at caribsurf.com>
To: "'The alternative photographic processes mailing list'" 
<alt-photo-process-list at lists.altphotolist.org>
Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2011 7:53 AM
Subject: [alt-photo] 3800 VERTICAL BANDING DIGI NEGS FOR ALT

>            As this applies to my Epson 3800 which I use to make enlarged
> diginegs for alt printing, I hope you will agree that it is on topic.
>            I have recently begun experiencing subtle vertical banding in 
> my
> negs.  I know it is from the printer (not the original negs, scans, or
> files) because, though they are most obvious in any smooth midtone areas 
> of
> an image, they exist also in the D-max non-image area that is put around 
> the
> image area on the digineg to create a white area surrounding the image on
> the print.  They run the whole length of the image and appear to be nearly
> (or exactly) the same in the last 3 negs I have tried.
>            I already tried cleaning the heads and get a perfect test
> printout but the banding remains.  Might this be an alignment problem?
> Should I try re-aligning the heads in the Epson Utilities program?
>            Has anyone else had this problem and do you know of a fix?
>                        CHEERS!
>                                    BOB
> Please check my website:  <http://www.bobkiss.com/> 
> http://www.bobkiss.com/
> "Live as if you are going to die tomorrow.  Learn as if you are going to
> live forever".  Mahatma Gandhi
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