[alt-photo] Re: Recommendations for Replacement Printer? Input Needed!

Mark Nelson ender100 at aol.com
Tue Sep 27 05:51:34 GMT 2011

Best of luck!

Mark Nelson
PDNPRint Forum @ Yahoo Groups

sent from my iPhonetypeDeviceThingy

On Sep 26, 2011, at 10:48 PM, Francesco Fragomeni <fdfragomeni at gmail.com> wrote:

> Well, it took two days of nozzle checks, windex under the heads, one head
> cleaning, and I estimate about $300 in ink to clear the clogged 4800.
> Wonderful. I'll get new batteries for my hygrometer tomorrow so I can really
> keep track of humidity in the printer and I've gone ahead and made a new bag
> for it. Now the whole thing is pretty much air tight so I know the humidity
> can't escape. A person who worked on testing Epson printers and various
> papers is quoted as saying that their tests showed that dipping below 40%
> humidity becomes detrimental to the heads and the ink in addition to
> accounting for measurable changes in paper. In Phoenix, the humidity rarely
> gets above 40 so the sponge and bag is a must.
>> From what I've been able to find, there is very little change between the
> 3800 and the 3880 as far as the heads go and their propensity toward
> clogging. It doesn't seem that the Vivid Magenta does much in the way of
> lessening clogs for most users and most find that there is always one ink
> that is more likely to clog then the rest but with both printers clogging is
> vary rarely an issue at all (which is a massive relief to me and my wallet).
> I'm now deciding whether to get a freshly rebuilt 3800 from one of our
> wonderful list members or a refurbished 3880 from Epson. My only concern at
> this point would be that at some point in the near future Epson would stop
> making drivers or ink for the older 3800 BUT with how many dedicated 3800
> users are out there who would rather rebuild their aged 3800's then buy a
> new printer, the number of businesses specializing in repair and
> refurbishment of the 3800, and the minimal difference between the 3800 and
> 3880, I don't really think it'll be an issue (at least I hope not). I shall
> decide by tomorrow.
> Thanks to everyone for the help with this. This is a great group!
> -Francesco
> On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 10:15 AM, Ryuji Suzuki <rs at silvergrain.org> wrote:
>> FWIW I use an Epson 1400 dye ink printer to make my promo mailers (abrasion
>> resistance is more important than permanence) but on this printer dark
>> magenta is also the first to clog when the printer is not in use for a
>> little while.
>> --
>> Ryuji Suzuki
>> "Don't play what's there, play what's not there." (Miles Davis)
>> Mark Nelson wrote:
>>> Yes on the 3800 and magenta clogs.
>>> Mark Nelson
>>> www.PrecisionDigitalNegatives.**com<http://www.PrecisionDigitalNegatives.com>
>>> PDNPRint Forum @ Yahoo Groups
>>> www.MarkINelsonPhoto.com
>>> sent from my iPhonetypeDeviceThingy
>>> On Sep 26, 2011, at 12:24 AM, Francesco Fragomeni<fdfragomeni at gmail.**com<fdfragomeni at gmail.com>>
>>> wrote:
>>> One more question about the 3800 vs the 3880. Do you 3800 and 3880 users
>>>> find that one ink clogs more then the others? I've heard that one of
>>>> Epson's
>>>> primary reasons for changing to the Vivid Magenta in the 3880 was because
>>>> there was some issue with the Magenta ink causing clogs in the 3800. Has
>>>> anyone found this to be true? I've also heard the now the Cyan ink causes
>>>> something similar in the 3880, do any 3880 users find this to be true?
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> -Francesco
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