[alt-photo] Paper for CyanotypeRE: Re: Gum over cyanotype question

C.Breukel at lumc.nl C.Breukel at lumc.nl
Tue Feb 28 12:14:02 GMT 2012

I am kinda amazed how many people report problems with Cyanotype and paper.

I basically have just one paper in stock and that is Simili Japon, on which traditional Cyanotype prints effortlessly (I do use a acidic washing clearing bath for 10 minutes or so, use that same bath for different prints, and have a second acidic bath for a final wash/rinse)

Simili Japon is nice for Ziatype and pure Pt too, even gum will work, to a lesser extend, since the tooth is not strong, gum over Pt works ok, the paper is a bit "rougher"after the pt printing.

Canson Fonteney was also fine for Cyanotype in my hands.



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