[alt-photo] Re: SG drying/ferrotyping [WAS: Dmax for silver paper]

etienne garbaux photographeur at nerdshack.com
Sat Jan 14 17:44:17 GMT 2012

Pierre wrote:

>my dryer is an array brand and not premier

If you mean Arkay, and specifically the T2C, it is a re-branded 
Premier (or vice-versa).  Or, at least, they were back when I had 
examples of both handy.)  Also sold under several other brand names.

>Would a piece of glass from a frame work?
>or does it have to be special glass?

The surface on plate glass is much smoother, and it is not hard to 
get.  Look up "glass" in the yellow pages for a glass shop near 
you.  They will cut it to size and break the sharp edges.

Richard wrote:

>The material the plate is made of is important; the easiest to use 
>plates are bright chrome plated with a mirror smooth finish. The 
>finish of the plate is molded into the gelatin of the print so the 
>print will be no glossier than the surface of the plate.

Correct.  The Premier/Arkay home units use stainless steel that is 
not polished nearly to the degree that proper chromed steel ferrotype 
plates are (and it does not have the plating, which fills in the 
remaining surface imperfections on "real" ferrotype sheets).

>Real chrome plates may be difficult to find.

These days, yes -- pretty much everyone who wants full glossy prints 
uses glossy RC papers that are already that way.

>I've seen both flat and roller squeegees recommended and think it 
>makes no difference.

Both work fine.  I used a flat squeegee out of personal preference.

>For whatever reason glossy RC paper has a glossier finish than I 
>have ever seen on a ferrotyped fiber print but you can come close.

"Ferrotyping" on plate glass can do as well, IME.  I never waxed the 
glass, but my final polish (with Simichrome) probably left a minute 
trace of oil on it.

Best regards,


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