[alt-photo] Re: HP5 for Pt/Pl and POP

Ken photo1 at telusplanet.net
Sun Jun 24 16:52:34 GMT 2012

Pyrocat-HD is my developer of preference for HP5 and extended contrast range for POP


Sent from my portable hand-held walkie-talkie-ringy-dingy thingy.

On 2012-06-24, at 9:08 AM, Francesco Fragomeni <fdfragomeni at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I just wanted to throw out a question to you folks making pt/pl and POP
> prints. Who here uses HP5? I'm making big negs in camera (11x14 and some
> 8x20) and am limited to Efke PL100 and HP5 in these larger sizes.
> Everything else is special order as far as I know. I have two boxes of HP5
> in 11x14 that I'd like to get the most out of.
> My plan is to use ABC Pyro, which I've heard does well with HP5 for
> processes that require expanded contrast ranges. If anyone here uses HP5
> for pt/pl or POP can you please share your experiences?
> Thanks,
> Francesco
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