KISS BOB bobkiss at caribsurf.com
Wed May 16 22:52:51 GMT 2012

      Thanks for reminding me that the computer in 
question is running XP Professional.  This might help 
anyone who has any suggestions.
      Can you tell me where you found the download at 

On Wed, 16 May 2012 18:50:09 -0400
  Rita Bernstein <ritalbernstein at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Bob,
> I had a similar problem this week with an Epson V700, PS 
>CS5, and
> Windows 7 (64 bit).  Epson basically told me I was 
>screwed, but
> Adobe came to the rescue (so much better customer 
>service than
> Epson) and there was a driver I could download from 
>their site.
> No problem now accessing the scanner from the import 
> Best,
> Rita Bernstein
> On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 5:52 PM, BOB KISS 
><bobkiss at caribsurf.com> wrote:
>>            As I use my Epson V750 pro mostly to scan 
>>negs to make enlarged
>> digital negs for alt processes I think the following 
>>question can be
>> considered on topic.
>> This is for those who have used CS-5 and the V750.  I 
>>just bought a young
>> but used laptop that has CS-5 and Lightroom on it for 
>>about a quarter of
>> what I would pay for CS-5 alone.  Good deal.  I just 
>>loaded on my scanner
>> and printer drivers and programs and went on line to 
>>update them to the
>> latest versions.  With my old computer and CS-2, when I 
>>want to scan, I hit
>> "file" them "import" and there are Epson VL750 and Epson 
>>Digital Ice as two
>> of the options waiting for me along with WAI and my 
>>webcam.  This allows me
>> to scan right into Frotoshop and save the files as PSDs, 
>>my preferred file.
>> I seem to recall that it was a matter of setting some 
>>preferences in
>> Frotoshop to connect with the scanner (or was it the 
>>scanner program to
>> work
>> with Frotoshop?) but, either way, it works.  Can anyone 
>>tell me how to set
>> this up with CS-5 and Epson Scan?  I have hunted for 
>>"preferences" or
>> "advanced settings" buttons and I know I will be 
>>embarrassed at how simple
>> this will be when you tell me but, after 3 hours, I am 
>>            No, I don't want to use Epson scan alone to 
>>generate a Tiff and
>> then open it in Frotoshop and convert to PSD.I REALLY 
>>want to open CS-5,
>> hit
>> "file" then "import" and find the Epson scanner there 
>>exactly as I do on my
>> old computer with CS-2.  I am praying that some recent 
>>feud between Epson
>> and Adobe has not rendered this impossible.  Any hope?
>>                        CHEERS!
>>                                    BOB
>>  Please check my website:  <http://www.bobkiss.com/>
>> http://www.bobkiss.com/
>> "Live as if you are going to die tomorrow.  Learn as if 
>>you are going to
>> live forever".  Mahatma Gandhi
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> -- 
> Rita Bernstein
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