[alt-photo] Re: Clearing Up A Few Things About RC Paper Negs for Alt

Tomas Sobota tom at sobota.net
Fri Oct 19 07:00:34 GMT 2012


I have never worked with Pt/Pd, but I have used RC paper negs exposed
in-camera for printing gum dichromate. I used the paper negs as they are,
without peeling or anything. It worked for me, with at least two or three
brands of paper (which I don't remember right now). So I suspect that any
possile UV inhibition effect in the paper is corrected simply by a longer


On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 12:53 AM, Francesco Fragomeni <fdfragomeni at gmail.com
> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm just looking for a bit of clarification on a few points about using RC
> paper for paper negatives for alt-processes once and for all. I've used
> them quite a bit in the past but not for an alt-process so some new points
> for clarification have come up that I'd like opinions on before I hit the
> grindstone. I'm sure much of this will be a bit of a repeat so forgive me
> for beating a dead horse if I am.
> I'm interested in using RC paper negatives for pt/pl. Apparently, RC paper
> contains UV inhibitors that would make this difficult. Is this in fact the
> case or are some of you actually printing RC paper negs to pt/pl without
> problem?
> Assuming that RC paper does inhibit UV as seems to be the case, many have
> cited peeling to be a viable solution. From what I can find, it seems that
> the proper course of action is to bluntly strike an edge of the paper
> to separate the plastic layer just slightly and then soak the paper in hot
> water for some amount of time until the plastic layer can be peeled off.
> Correct?
> I've never peeled before so forgive me if this is a silly question but is
> the image left on the plastic layer, correct?
> I've read that the curling of the peeled layer can be problematic, do you
> find this to be the case? If so, is there a method
> for permanently flattening this layer prior to printing through it?
> Thanks for the clarifications!
> -Francesco
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