[alt-photo] Re: Information on Pictorico

Jeremy Moore alt.photosbyjeremy at gmail.com
Fri Oct 26 01:06:09 GMT 2012

I get newton rings in my prints when using the ultra premium so I just stick with the tpu-100.

Also, I don't print at less than 360dpi on the pictorico (I interpolate up if necessary). If I have the pixels to print above 360 with "Finest Detail" set on my Epson printer there is a resolution gain, but this only applies when the alt is coated on very smooth watercolor papers and vellum. (I print almost exclusively in platinum/palladium.)

On Oct 25, 2012, at 7:53 PM, George L Smyth <glsmyth at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Ken -
> This is the sort of thing you want:
> http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/545009-REG/Pictorico_PICT35011_Premium_OHP_Transparency_Film.html
> The Ultra Premium holds more ink than the Premium, but chances are that you will not need that.  When making digital negatives for silver gelatin I need all the help I can get to block the light, but this has not been an issue for me with alternative processes.

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