[alt-photo] Re: Woodburytype Press was:RE: Re: Dichromated Gelatin Formula

Kees Brandenburg workshops at polychrome.nl
Mon Sep 24 10:22:31 GMT 2012

On 24 sep. 2012, at 11:44, C.Breukel at lumc.nl wrote:

> I do remember that 2 dutch guys (Jan van Dijk and Willem De Zoete (?) were busy trying to get is working, but I never saw results nor heard of success, but that was even longer ago around the very first APIS meeting in Bath..

Yes I have spoken to Jan van Dijk and Johan de Zoete during one of the first incarnations (in 1994) of the course  'Determination of Photographic  and Photomechanical Processes' organised by the print cabinet  from the Leiden university. They were both teaching this course. This course still exists but  now in coproduction with the Nederlands Fotomuseum in Rotterdam with Herman Maes, the museum head of restauration as teacher.

Johan de Zoete is the same person who wrote an excellent book on photogravure and is a (photomechanical) printing expert. Nowadays he is curator at the Museum Enschede from the famous printing company Joh. Enschede in Haarlem, the Netherlands.

Jan van Dijk  recently published a book on the determination of photographicprocesses (in Dutch)
I do not know if he also write about their research project in this book.

In 1994 I have seen one woodburytype example from them, that was more like a proof of concept. They had some very small sized press, custom build for them,  if I remember correctly. At that time they called themselves "The Woordburytype Research Group" .
Both were at the APIS Bath gathering in 1997 - were we were too!  They abandoned the reseach many years ago as far as I know. The hydrolic pressure needed was the show stopper. 

Maybe they still have valuable information?


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