[Alt-photo] Re: DAS

Alberto Novo alt.list at albertonovo.it
Sun Apr 14 19:43:56 UTC 2013

> I keep the 3% solution in a brown bottle in a closed cuppoard at (dark)room temperature. I never saw it go bad, even after some months. Mixing an oversaturated solution and decant it for use to have a 3% mix could work, but DAS does not chrystallize as dichromates do. I you shake your oversaturated bottle too much you get a DAS powder dispersion in a saturated solution. But it might works if you handle and decant it carefully. 
> -k

I have not started to try, but ... it is soluble in water other organic 
solvents compatible with water, such as, for example, acetone or ethyl 
alcohol? In this case, one could prepare a more concentrated solution in 
ethanol or acetone, and then get the right amount with a syringe. 


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