[Alt-photo] Re: DAS

Kees Brandenburg workshops at polychrome.nl
Sun Apr 14 10:58:05 UTC 2013

I keep the 3% solution in a brown bottle in a closed cuppoard at (dark)room temperature. I never saw it go bad, even after some months. Mixing an oversaturated solution and decant it for use to have a 3% mix could work, but DAS does not chrystallize as dichromates do. I you shake your oversaturated bottle too much you get a DAS powder dispersion in a saturated solution. But it might works if you handle and decant it carefully.


On 13 apr. 2013, at 22:22, Keith Gerling <keith.gerling at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks!  That is very helpful.  So 3% is a saturated solution?  Since I'm
> typically sloppy, chemically-challenged and don't even own a scale, my
> routine with dichromates has always been to just use a saturated solution,
> dumping in dichromate and water as needed.  Would this work with DAS, maybe
> diluting it as needed?  In other words, does a mixed solution keep?

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