[Alt-photo] Re: Clearing of Revere paper

Diana Bloomfield dlhbloomfield at gmail.com
Sat Dec 7 14:13:13 UTC 2013

Hey Bob,

I use Potassium Ox developer as well.  And I clear that paper with only citric acid baths.  But now I'm feeling pretty lazy about that, given what you list here.  But I can't see doing all this other clearing would hurt, though the citric acid seems to work fine for this paper (which it never did for me, for the COT320).  

Do let us know how you like the paper.  It really is beautiful.

Between 75 and 75 WITH air conditioning?  I think I might die.  But you should be fine. :)


On Dec 7, 2013, at 8:00 AM, bobkiss @caribsurf.com wrote:

>     As I am a "Revere virgin" and will be trying it soon, please let me
> know if you think the following, which works very well with COT 320, will
> work for the Revere.
>     After developing in warm (100F) Pot Ox developer the first clearing
> bath is a room temp 2% soln of Oxalic Acid for 5 mins with agit.  The next
> two clearing baths are EDTA plus Sodium Sulfite also 5 mins each with
> agit.  Please remember that, even with airconditioning, room temp here is
> between 75 and 78 F.
>     Looking forward to trying out this beautiful paper!
>                          HOLIDAY CHEERS!
>                                  BOB

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