[Alt-photo] Re: Brushing gelatin on paper

Luciano Teghillo luciano at lucianoteghillo.com
Sun Dec 15 21:42:01 UTC 2013

Hi Kees,

Rosaspina and Fabriano TW are similar, the main difference I know of is that
Rosaspina is 240 or 270 gsm. Unfortunately I do not have any more Fabriano
TW and I cannot easily source it here. But I will get some more pads of the
different kinds and conduct some serious testing/comparisons.

Best Regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: alt-photo-process-list-bounces at lists.altphotolist.org
[mailto:alt-photo-process-list-bounces at lists.altphotolist.org] On Behalf Of
Kees Brandenburg
Sent: Sunday, December 15, 2013 9:45 PM
To: alt-photo-process-list at lists.altphotolist.org list
Subject: [Alt-photo] Re: Brushing gelatin on paper

On 15 dec. 2013, at 18:30, Luciano Teghillo <luciano at lucianoteghillo.com>

> The papers I was using as a comparison where noticeably more yellow 
> (both Fabriano Artistico, Traditional White) when looked on a light 
> table, so my doubt is that my paper did not receive enough gelatin.

Hi Luciano,

You said you sized Fabriano Rosarpina. Did you compare both papers also
unsized? The Artistico Traditional White is quiet warm in it's base. Maybe
Rosarpina is whiter?



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