[alt-photo] COT320

Diana Bloomfield dlhbloomfield at gmail.com
Sat Feb 16 13:18:00 GMT 2013

Hey Keith,

You know, when John told me that in all the (one thousand+) years Bergger has been making that paper, that no one (NO ONE) has ever lodged a complaint, I was totally flabbergasted..  While it is true that I do tend to complain an inordinate amount-- about every little thing--  I still found that very hard to believe-- and, yes-- transparently disingenuous.  Additionally, shouldn't I win a prize or something (at least a new pack of paper all tied up with a red ribbon) for being the very first?  And, seriously, if I had a dollar for every time a company rep has said that to me . . . 

I did write back and very nicely explained the first rule of business to him (the customer is always right).  Well, I probably didn't say it all that nicely. There's really no nice way to say that to someone.  But, for heaven's sake.  He wrote me back a second time and said he was sorry to lose me as a customer, but offered to send me a new pack of paper (and, again, to send my bad prints to France for a professional evaluation).   

Yes-- I really like the Revere very much.  

Thanks, Keith.


On Feb 16, 2013, at 1:23 AM, Keith Schreiber wrote:

> Hi Diana,
> So I guess that means he won't count Bob's & your complaints as "recorded issues", eh? Don't acknowledge the problem therefore it doesn't exist. Lovely logic. Actually, I think he is being a bit disingenuous since I remember discussion, here or on one of the other forums, about variable quality of COT320 in the past complete with batch numbers and I think he was a participant in that discussion.
> Some time ago I think I mentioned here about the 22x30 COT320 that I special ordered thru B&S. It had cut edges like all COT320 and looked like every other sheet of that paper that I have ever used or seen, but it also had the Arches Platine watermark on every sheet. (I suppose Horowy would deny too!) Unfortunately, it didn't print as well as I needed and it was to complete a portfolio project so I returned it to B&S. 
> Looking forward to trying Revere again.
> ~ Keith

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