[Alt-photo] Re: LightBox Photographic/Katharine Thayer exhibit

Diana Bloomfield dlhbloomfield at gmail.com
Fri Mar 22 01:20:51 UTC 2013

Hey Suzanne, Darryl, Hans, and others who wrote in about this--

I wanted to post something much earlier, but I just got off jury duty in a murder trial.  Whew.  That whole 'jury of your peers' thing is one scary concept.   But we ultimately did the right thing, and so I hope you're all feeling that much safer tonight. ;)

But I wanted to write, because I'm so excited about this exhibit for Katharine, and that so many of you are interested in submitting your work to this.  I'm so happy about that; thanks so much!

Barbara, I think that any gum-over type prints fall under "associated gum printing processes," so I don't see any issue with that at all.  Good to hear from you.  I do kind of miss the traveling portfolio, too.  It was the pony express mode of travel I found troubling. ;)


> Diana--
> Thank you for sending information about the exhibit honoring Katharine.  I
> never met her either although we corresponded some.  You will remember how
> when in 1992 she was unable to speak at APIS because of poisoning from a
> faulty furnace, she suggested that you and I speak instead.  I've forgotten
> why you couldn't go.  I did go and showed some of my gum work speaking
> mostly about my cliche verre which I used with gum.
> I would very much like to have work in the upcoming exhibit.  Could you
> clarify something for me.  The Eligibility states: "All work must be
> printed by the photographer as Gum Bichromate and associated Gum printing
> processes."   Although I have pieces which are all gum, much of my work is
> gum over cyanotype or Van Dyke.  Can I assume that these do not conform to
> the eligibility requirements?
> I doubt that I will be able to make any new work before the deadline since
> I recently broke my right arm.  However, I should be able to mail jpegs of
> some old work by April.
> I always enjoyed your work in the traveling portfolio.  I was sorry when
> that stopped.   At the time, my mother had begun to require extra help, and
> I wasn't able to take on one more responsibility.
> .
> All the best,     Suzanne Izzo
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