[Alt-photo] Re: LightBox Photographic/Katharine Thayer exhibit

Barbara Izzo bi3 at georgetown.edu
Thu Mar 21 23:52:33 UTC 2013


Thank you for sending information about the exhibit honoring Katharine.  I
never met her either although we corresponded some.  You will remember how
when in 1992 she was unable to speak at APIS because of poisoning from a
faulty furnace, she suggested that you and I speak instead.  I've forgotten
why you couldn't go.  I did go and showed some of my gum work speaking
mostly about my cliche verre which I used with gum.

I would very much like to have work in the upcoming exhibit.  Could you
clarify something for me.  The Eligibility states: "All work must be
printed by the photographer as Gum Bichromate and associated Gum printing
processes."   Although I have pieces which are all gum, much of my work is
gum over cyanotype or Van Dyke.  Can I assume that these do not conform to
the eligibility requirements?

I doubt that I will be able to make any new work before the deadline since
I recently broke my right arm.  However, I should be able to mail jpegs of
some old work by April.

I always enjoyed your work in the traveling portfolio.  I was sorry when
that stopped.   At the time, my mother had begun to require extra help, and
I wasn't able to take on one more responsibility.
All the best,     Suzanne Izzo

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