[Alt-photo] Tutorial film: 6 month solargraph exposure with pinhole camera

Bert Kuijer gemeentehuis at gmail.com
Sat May 4 20:07:50 UTC 2013

Hi everyone,
There is a nice tutorial on Youtube made by Justin Quinell. He shows how to
make the camera, but also explains the process, the the photo paper and the
scanning. See: http://youtu.be/wtZOWEB_wcI
BTW: While you're at it, check this other film about Justin, showing how he
works with a 6 month pinhole camera. The life of a pinhole photographer
(about Justin Quinell):
See also the website of Justin Quinell:

By taking the exposed photo paper briefly out of the canister, scanning it
quickly at 400 dpi (in color - not B&W) and putting it back into the
canister, you can preserve the image for quite some time. Don't let it lie
open in the light, though. Don't develop, fix or do whatever with the image
for it will be ruined.

I tried it myself last year for 4 months. I had problems with water leaking
into the camera, affecting the paper. I placed the camera facing east -
that is where all rains comes from over here. So next time I'll put it in a
bit more dry place or underneath something, sheltering it from direct rain.
And I'll adjust the photo paper in the camera in a way so it won't touch
the bottom of the camera. This way the paper won't lie in the condense
forming a small pool at the bottom ;-)

If you make some of these cameras and put them up in October and November,
you can get them down at the end of April: right in time for the next World
Pinhole Photography Day on Sunday, 29th of April, 2014.
See: http://www.pinholeday.org/<http://www.linkedin.com/redirect?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Epinholeday%2Eorg%2F&urlhash=MeJr&_t=tracking_anet>

"Have fun and catch that light beam!"
Bert from Holland

2013/5/3 Ravene at gmail.com <ravene at gmail.com>

> I''m curious... Was that photo paper or film? Also what kind?
> It seems similar to the changes that happen with lumen prints?

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