[Alt-photo] Re: Four color gum
Hans & Chia
chiahans at pictoform.nu
Sun May 26 20:21:30 UTC 2013
Hi Marek and Diana
My paper is actually 400g (I like the 280g also). It's not produced anymore, what I know (because of the Canson Rives 310g inkjet paper????)
Three years ago I was going to order my paper as usual and then got the answer it's out! I was frustrated and googled and googled. Last spring I found a firm in the Netherlands who still had it in stock. Now I hope my stock lasts my whole gum printing life:-))
26 maj 2013 kl. 18.27 skrev Marek Matusz:
> Diana,
> My paper is the same as Chia's, BFK rives 280 (not sure how her weight would translate). My standard gum paper for now. PVA 1:1 size. I think that the paper/spray develop adds to the texture that is very reminiscent of a pencil drawing. One of the prints has a very smooth background and I was anxious to put the sprayer to it, but as soon as I have done that it came out very nice. I am going out of town for the weekend so no more progress until mid next week.
> The pictures in the link are lighter then originals. When I view these pictures in the windows viewer they are OK, once loaded into Picasa there is a correction applied by Picasa (Google) and they are too light. Drives me insane.
> Marek
>> From: dlhbloomfield at gmail.com
>> Date: Sun, 26 May 2013 12:09:57 -0400
>> To: alt-photo-process-list at lists.altphotolist.org
>> Subject: [Alt-photo] Re: Four color gum
>> Oh-- and what paper did you decide to use?
>> On May 26, 2013, at 11:16 AM, Marek Matusz wrote:
>>> Diana,
>>> I am not using powdered pigments. Just DS watercolors. That's what I have at hand. Anyways the prints are too large to scan so I took pictures. So here is the first graphite layer. Graphite is my standard black for any alt printing
>>> https://plus.google.com/photos/105732508998271877151/albums/5882305049320410433
>>> you might have to copy and paste the link. I am debating my pigment choices/strength for the color layers.
>>> Marek
>>>> From: dlhbloomfield at gmail.com
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Hans Nohlberg & Chia N-Löfqvist
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