[Alt-photo] 365 nm. UV-Densitometer. Part 3b of 7..

Erich Camerling e.camerling at tiscali.nl
Wed Nov 27 18:22:12 UTC 2013

UV-LED driver (Part2) for 500 mA pulse

Part list :

TLC271P (IC1)
TIP131    (Q1)
BZY97 zener diode 8.2 V  (D1)
1N5060P   (D2)
NCSU033B   (D3)  UV-LED

C1  = 0.22 µF
C2  = 100 µF
C3 , C5   =  0.47 µF          all these capacitors are ~ 40 V except

C4  =  2200µF / 16 V

R1 =  9.37 ohm NTC at 25 °   ((2x  ~22 ohm parallel ---> ~11 ohm .In my 
situation it was 9.37 0hm.
R2 =  22  0hm   0.5/0.6 W  1 %
R3 =  7.5  (2x 15 parallel)  1 %
R4 =  220  1 %
R5 =  1 k
R6 , R7 = 2 k
R8 =  470   1%
R10 =  10
Rx =  14.7

F1 =  fast  500 mA  fuse

To be continued next week

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