[Alt-photo] Back to gum after 4 years' break and terrified!!

Laura V laura at lavatop.com
Sat Oct 19 12:43:41 UTC 2013

Ok, I'm not really terrified, but it really is a bit like starting over 
again, trying to remember the process and take the plunge to begin. I'm 
wondering in particular about my old chemicals...is my pot. dichromate 
solution still good? Do I need to wear a hazmat suit when opening it in 
case it explodes??

I have a couple of other questions that I'll put in separate messages by 
subject. This is mainly just a re-introduction or introduction for those 
who signed on while I was away. I had gotten as far as producing a few 
tri-color gums - for example this one: 
http://lauraval.com/sensual/atticseated.html - with a lot of help from 
this group! As some of you may recall, I'm up here in an alt-process 
vacuum (Iceland) so it's really appreciated to be able come here for the 
occasional reality check and also to see your work.

Good to be back!


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