[Alt-photo] Re: GUM: problematic yellow?

Alberto Novo alt.list at albertonovo.it
Thu Feb 6 09:14:48 UTC 2014

Hi Luciano and Remko.
As for the examination of a scan, and particularly for that of a step wedge, 
I first desaturate an then adjust the levels ("Alt" key + shift of the black 
or white ruler in PS running on PC). For the best result, the scan should be 
run without any automatic adjustment by the scanner. That is, levels from 0 
to 255 anf gamma=1.
I have some examples of Luciano's scans corrected in this way in 
www.albertonovo.it/teghillo/scan-yellow1_b.jpg (and also scan-yellow2_b.jpg, 
scan-blue1_b.jpg, scan-magenta1_b.jpg and their psd equivalents if you like 
to see how-to). 



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