Yes, Maria. I recently ordered it directly from Dan (Bladed Iris Press is his
home publishing name). It's $29.95 plus shipping and includes two diskettes
with curves plotted for the Mac and for Windows. Excellent resource: I've
recently started back to cyanotypes. Although the curves are for plat/palad,
they are a great place to start. Contact Dan at 7003 Forest Meadow, San
Antonio, TX 78240 or at
Meri Walker
Meri Aaron Walker ,%%% FIDO: (1:382/1201)
Between The Lines % :- > INet:
Austin, TX 78757 '%%% Phone/FAX: (512) 459-5543
.. If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate.
--- Blue Wave/Max v2.12 [NR]