Re: Palladium Printing
Carol Janet Quartin (
Sun, 14 Jan 1996 19:08:28 -0500
There's been alot of talk on Gum and Carbon Printing but I've yet to here
about anyone doing any Palladium...
I've been doing Palladium for about 1 1/2 years now using a light box that
I made using the instructions from the palladio company as a guide...
There has been a great deal of talk on UV versus Daylight bulbs...My box has
10 24" uncoated blacklight tubes and they seem to work very well.
I am able to get a consistant exposure time when the negatives and papers
are the same...If I vary the paper the exposure tends to vary slightly but
one test usually gets me there...If anyone is interested in getting the
specs on my box let me know...Sharing is what the list is all
There was also some recent talk about where to find chemicals and good info
on alternative processes...I get my stuff from
PO Box 16639
Santa Fe, NM 87506-6639
Hours: 9am-5pm
They are also an excellant source of infomation and books...
Hope to hear of some Palladium Printing soon....