Wed, 24 Jan 1996 20:44:22 EST

Ohio University Electronic Communication

Date: 24-Jan-1996 08:37pm EST

To: Remote Addressee ( _MX%"" )

From: Jennifer Jacobberger Dept: College of Osteopathic Medicine

Subject: Bromoil/Thanks

To all who replied to my original plea for help with my first sad attempt at
bromoil, I thank you. Last night on my third try I finally got a very pleasing
print, a very decent beginning. I remixed my bleach omitting the acetic acid,
and using distilled water (as per Luis Nadeau's book, which I discovered that
our library actually did have) and added a post-bleach/rinse/hypo/rinse bath of
5% acetic acid as a substitution for sulfuric acid, which was suggested on this
list. I also used a much much stiffer ink. Anyway, thank you again.


Received: 24-Jan-1996 08:44pm