Re: Blowing Sam's Horn

s carl king (
Wed, 14 Feb 1996 20:41:22 -0500 (EST)

A short story of the history of a French Huguenot house, landscape=20
photography, the nude, and digital imagery
In response to the posting =D2Blowing Sam=D5s Horn=D3

In the late 18th century a small group of Huguenots seeking freedom from=20
religious oppression in France settled in the Lowcountry of South=20
Carolina. One family from this group constructed a small two-story home=20
in a style rather reminiscent of what we today call =D2Dutch Colonial.=D3 T=
family that resided in this house in the late 18th century could never=20
have imagined that their home would one day be dismantled and moved to=20
the Piedmont of South Carolina, specifically to the campus of Clemson=20
University, where it occupied a prominent place on the campus for nearly=20
half a century, only to be once again dismantled and moved again to a=20
rather remote location on the same campus several years ago. Even less=20
could they have imagined that some 200 years later, using their home as=20
an integral part of the landscape, an ingenious and creative American=20
photographer, born in Hong Kong, would pose a nude on the front lawn,=20
combine that with another nude profile, and produce a set of digitally=20
altered computer separations using Photoshop on a Macintosh computer,=20
print the separations as a three-color gum, and later me uploaded the=20
photograph to a site on the WWW, where it now resides with the name=20
=D2Colonial Dream.=D3 This photograph is of course part of a group Bob Schr=
refers to in a posting he made to the alt-photo-process list entitled=20
=D2Blowing Sam's Horn.=D3

And not even I could have imagined the next chapter in the story of the=20
Hanvoer House, which took place today when my wife went to a local art=20
store to have framed a copy of the print =D2Colonial Dream,=D3 which I=20
acquired from Sam several months ago. The players in the dialog are Jeri,=
my wife, and two sales attendants, Brenda and Melody.=20

Jeri: =09=09Hello, can you help me select a frame and matting for=20
this art piece?

Melody:=09=09Cool, what is it?

Jeri:=09=09It=D5s a digital photo. The negative is altered. You see,=20
there is a
nude woman in front of the Hanover House at Clemson University. The other=
is a nude profile.

Melody:=09=09Hey, I see it now. Wow! This guy is great. He ought to sell th=
He=D5d make a lot of money! The younger generation really likes this kind=
of stuff! Hey, Brenda, take a look at this.

Brenda:=09=09What is it, a bush? Hee, hee, hee, oh my god now I see it.

Melody:=09=09Don=D5t feel bad, Brenda, at first I thought it was a rabbit.=
Anyway, you sure don=D5t want to use a metal frame with this. That would be=
really cheesey.

Jeri:=09=09Yes, we wouldn=D5t want that. I=D5ll tell the artist how much=20
you like his work. I know how pleased he will be.

End of StoryB

Now who out there is going to claim that gum does not give fine

Sandy King