Re: Meeting or travelling portfolio?

J. Wayde Allen 303-497-5871 (
Fri, 23 Feb 1996 14:15:35 -0700 (MST)

On Sat, 24 Feb 1996, Pollmeier Klaus wrote:

> Terry asked:
> <Would it be naff arrange a meeting of those on the list from time to time ?>
> Yes, I think it would be a great idea! Maybe it would even be possible to
> arrange an exhibition? I know that a curator from a famous german museum was
> interested in a show on alt. phot. printing. I'll call him, maybe we can help
> him with worldwide contribution ;-)

I have wondered about this as well. I enjoy reading about the work being
done here, but would enjoy actually seeing it. The traveling portfolio
is an interesting idea since it wouldn't necessarilly require us all to
travel quite so far. I'd be willing to help set something up in the
Denver/Boulder (Colorado, USA). Another crazy idea would be to run
something similar to a chain letter scheme. If you subscribed to this,
you would receive a print from someone that you could look at for a week
or so before mailing it on to the next person on the list. I realize
that there are serious security problems with this, but offer it only as
an idea. Perhaps it will spawn a more workable solution?

> Another thing I just read in the *Photographische Correspondenz* from the
> 1870's: They had a travelling portfolio at that time. Shouldn't we give that a
> try?

How did this work?

- Wayde Allen