Re: Chromalin

Peter Marshall (
Wed, 6 Mar 96 18:12 GMT

In-Reply-To: <960305071744_100561.2417_EHK76-2@CompuServe.COM>

<< Some diazo sensitizers make an unsoluble colloid water soluble (the
chromalin version), others behave like the dichromates and make a water
soluble colloid unsoluble.

Klaus Pollmeier >>

Thanks for the information Klaus. Can you or anyone give information on
getting hold of diazo sensitisers?

Some processes that should not work turn out to do so by the way (I always
think gum is like this). So although you say the diazo s are too contrasty
this may not turn out to be so great a problem in practice. Or perhaps if
negatives are grainy enough they will act enough like a random screen to

Peter Marshall