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Date: Sat, 9 Mar 1996 16:27:10 -0400
From: (Mike Robinson and Janine Kissner)
Subject: Re: D-23 development vs Pyro
>I've been a D-23 kind of guy for developing negs for use w/ Platinum and
>Kallitypes. I've never used Pyro but I have something like ten pounds of
>the stuff I got from a friend for free. My question: How do the two
>chemestrys compare for use w/ long-scale processes?
I have been using a variation of ABC Pyro to make long scale negatives for
albumen printing. The formula is D-1, published by Kodak, however the
dilutions and development times are different for long scale negatives.
With T-Max films I use a dilution of 3:1:1:9 rather than the 1:1:1:7 for
regular negs. The development time is 20 to 25 minutes one at a time face
up in a flat bottomed tray. Whew! The beauty of this developer is the long
scale along with a very low base plus fog level. Wear gloves when
processing and use a mask when mixing the dry pyro!
You can send a pound or two of the stuff my way if you have too much of it ;-)
P.S. haven't tried D23, what kind of density range, dilution, fog, etc. do
you get with it?
Mike Robinson
Toronto, Canada
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