Puyo Was: Re: Foxlee Process

Luis Nadeau (nadeaul@darwin.nbnet.nb.ca)
Wed, 13 Mar 1996 20:18:26 -0400

>I've wondered, and wonder if anyone knows, if the Puyo exists in English.
>I've never come across it. (Luis?) The Maskell and Demachy chapters appear
>in English in Peter Bunnell's reprint "Non-Silver Photographic Processes,"
>(naturally out of print, but probably findable).

Puyo was a prolific writer and a lot of his work was translated... into
German. Nothing in English as far as I know. And no, I don't plan on
translating his work anyday soon. I'm up to here in translation these days
because of my photoceramic book. Same story. Lots of info in French and
German and very little in English. But I'll change that, sometime in the

My Encyclopedia has several references on Puyo and I have others on file as

Luis Nadeau