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Date: Thu, 21 Mar 1996 08:31:41 -0600
From: (Maxim M. Muir)
Subject: Re: developing tube?
>What's the metaborate for (is that Kodalk?) Is it necessary?
Only an extra precaution I use when using pyro. Would not be necessary
for "conventional developers"
>But what I really fear is that prewetting this large, thin (.004 ml) floppy
>film would make it very difficult to insert into the tube..... I think
>4x5, which is also on a heavier base, would be much easier. I sure have
>lots of spoiled film to practice with, but any hints on that operation
>would be appreciated.
The film is inserted into the tube dry, and the prewet stage is next.
>Also, when do you take the film out of the tube? For washing? Is there a
>risk of mashing when you grab it? (Guess I could fasten one of those
>little grippers to the end before inserting.)
I remove the film after it has been in the first fix bath for a minute or so.
>>To ease the removal of the antihalation dye, I used two
>> non hardening 1+3 dilution rapid fixing baths in sucession, followed by the
>> stain development in the spent developer, and the wash. I became a believer
>Not having the spare brain cells this month to attempt a new developer
>(and uncertain how the famous pyro would react with lith & n31p) I expect
>to at least attempt the dilute Dektol & D-76 we use for continuous tone on
>these graphics arts films..... they both take a red safelight, so "doing
>it in the dark" should be no worse than usual...... (As for the hands, I
>wouldn't even pick up tongs in the darkroom without gloves on. My skin
>reacts to all these chemicals with a schreck that makes the princess & the
>pea look like Gravel Gertie.)
I only mentioned pyro as an extreme example. As I stated in the opening
of my remarks, I wanted to use a developer that would test the limits of
even development capabilities of the system. D-76 would have been childs
play seeing how well the tubes worked with PMK Pyro.
>Anyway, MANY thanks for all the help so far. (And next time I'm only
>going to photograph black stretch limos -- oops, that will kill me in the
>positive!) Your welcome.
Maxim M. Muir
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