Re: Liquid light and feathers

Sandy Vrooman (
Mon, 15 Apr 1996 22:00:05 -0700

I want to print photos on feathers. I can get it to work a bit, but I need
some help. If there are no experts out there that print on feathers, I
understand, but I would still like to hear your suggestions.

I want to assure all of you that the feathers are organic in content and
have no acrylic in them. I have sealed the backs with Polyeurothane and the
fronts with Liquid Light. Feathers are flat through application. After
processing the feathers curl towards the emulsion side.

So, I sealed the feathers both sides with the Polyeurothane. The emulsion
stuck, the feathers are now yellow instead of bright white and still curl
in on the emulsion side. I am thinking of coating the backs of the feathers
with gelatin to even out the surface tension in drying.

Just so you all think I am not the only nut in the family, my son wants to
print on metal and include the printed pieces in his sculptures. Any
suggestions for him?

Sandy Vrooman