I don't mind anyone posting information about an exhibition or
workshop. Feel free to post it, and repost it infrequently (about every
four to six weeks would be alright). I would, however, suggest the
following guidelines for any such postings:
1. Keep them brief and to the point. No need for bio's or anything like
that. About twenty to forty lines would be an ideal length.
2. Make sure to include information on how to contact you regarding
further information on the activity (email at least).
3. Make sure it is pertinent to the list charter, ie. Alternative
Photographic Processes. If a thread winds it's way around a topic
(for example, large format photography), it's okay to give yourself
ONE short (five to ten lines) plug if you give workshops, but
remember that that isn't the list's purpose.
4. Try and remember to post another message around the opening date and
closing date. If you feel either of these dates is to close to a
previous post, only post a few lines as a reminder and ask for
questions to be conducted via personal email. This will help you
catch those people that have only recently joined the list.
The policy regarding advertising of equipment, materials, and/or
services is a different matter. I need to evaluate such requests on an
individual level, so email me direct first. Sometimes such posts can
cause problems (the list is run from a university site, and so should be
noncommercial in content).
Finally, those of you that have newsletters, magazines, other
periodical literature, or who are publishing/have published a book or
pamphlet, feel free to post about it (every four to six weeks if you
like). This would include people like Luis, Carson, and Maxim, to name a
few. I'm sure you're smart enough to know how often to post without
"breaking the camel's back".
Hope that clears things up. If you have any futher questions, email me
p.s. Hope that answers your question Hans. I thought it might help to
cc it to the list.