I am trying to collect such processes for research in Systems and
Occupational Safety Engineering, part of the Industrial Engineering
Program of the University of Cincinnati.
So, please send me your processes and chemicals used, and I will tell you
how to do it safely.
Howard Etkind
On Fri, 19 Apr 1996, Daniel Silva wrote:
> Hi Everybody:
> I'm doing my thesis on alternative photographic process for
> exhibitoin pourposes and my primary source of information is this list. I've
> been a subscriber for more than six months now and during this time I
> haven't seen anything on Daguerotypes (who knows, maybe I missed it).
> My questions are:
> 1 Has anybody tried to make them? If so,
> 2 Do you have a good formula? And finally
> 3 How hazardous is the process now?
> Thanks.
> "Let there be light... and someone to capture it"
> _/_/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/_/ djsilva@ehecatl.sis.uia.mx
> _/ _/ Daniel Silva Troop Q.
> _/_/_/_/_/ _/ Presa 206-2 San Jeronimo
> _/ _/ Mexico D.F. 010200
> _/_/_/_/_/ _/ Mexico
> S T F O T O G R A F I A