Re: UV output

Pollmeier Klaus (100561.2417@CompuServe.COM)
23 Apr 96 15:41:15 EDT

Blocking the visual light could be achieved by butting a special black camera
filter over your sensor, which only lets pass the UV. It looks similar to those
black infrared filters and should be obtainable through any good camera dealer.
I think B&W make them.
What about using a light integrator? They can be bought separately and act like
a condensator, interrupting the current when the desired amount of uv-light has
been collected. Usually they are built-in in those fine NuArc printers or plate
burners. And there are instruments used by conservators to read the uv-content
of exhibition lighting, but they may probably be much too sensitive to read
direct blacklight.

Klaus Pollmeier