
Alan Kleiman (
Fri, 26 Apr 1996 17:35:31 -0500

Do you know how can I make a cianotype using as a base a
photographic black and white paper previously exposed, developed fixed, and

What happens is that the potassium ferricyanade bleaches the black
and white image.I have used gelatine to coate the blavk and white emulsion.I
have toned the emulsion with sepia, toned the emulsion with selenium, but in
all the cases the black and white image disapears.

If you have any sugestion, I would apreciat it very much.

I heard that using a 1% solution of HCl, gives the print higher contrast, bu
when i used it, it seems that the conterast goes down.I compared it with
oxigenated water, that i used previously, and the oxigenated water gives a
higher contrast.

Do you know how the HCl works or the Oxigenated water?

Thanks for your time.
Alan Kleiman