Re: Enlarged negative methodology

Sandy Vrooman (
Mon, 29 Apr 1996 00:14:35 -0700

My exposure techniques are somewhat alternative in that I light, in
darkness, with a flashlight. When I decide that I want these images to be
viewed in a process that requires contact printing, I use the following
process to obtain larger negatives.

Using litho film and A/B litho developer, I make a film positive using
frosted glass as a screen to get a dot pattern. I have the opportuniy to
dodge and burn as required to make a good positive. I then use the film
positive to make a film negative which I process in paper developer.

I offer this process as a suggestion without the same quality references
others may require in their work. Realize that I am not after the perfect
landscape, but after an archetypal fantasy image. I get better qualitiy
negatives than if I make slides of prints and then use the slides to make
the enlarged negatives.

Sandy Vrooman