Re: Ilford XP-2, as slides
Steve Avery (
Mon, 06 May 1996 11:28:00 +1000
Francisco Garcia Maceda wrote:
> I did try that with XP-1 (predecesor to XP-2) some years back. I
> bracketed like hell from asa 6400 to asa 6 and developed normally in
> E-6. The best results came with asa 12 or 25, I can't remember (I must
> tell you that I love shadow detail). The ressults are/were quite
> green. I noticed a lot of lattitude, even the asa 6 and asa 50 were
> "acceptable". If the ressults are what you need, but you need more
> speed, try shooting at 50 asa and push process 1 stop, or 100 asa and
> push process two stops (I haven't actually tried this).
> Francisco Garcia Maceda
Having a brain like a sieve as I do, I forgot the bit about
push-processing the XP-2. Apparently, you're supposed to rate it at
80asa and then push process it 2 stops. That'd make a bit of a
difference eh?