>What kind of Photo-Flo Kodak makes several (200, 600, 2100) - in my
>lab I use the 1:600 variety? Have you tried any other wetting agents;
>like Edwal LFN?
I'm at home now not at the Lab and I don't have a clue as to which type. I
guess dumb-dumb justs grabs some off the shelf. I'll check tomorrow and post
the details. I haven't tried any other agents but I just today ordered some
Poly?? 20 and Poly?? 80 to play with (Can't remember the exact name). This
material is also known as Tween and is mentioned by Mike Ware in some of his
process notes. The nice saleslady on the phone didn't know the difference so
I got one of each, skipping the 60 and 40. The catalog lists them as
emulsifiers AND wetting agents. I can see Kodak's Photoflo as a wetting
agent but not as an emulsifier. I've also been adding a drop of glycerine
with the Photoflo, so maybe I have intuitively seen the need for an
emulsifier and wetting agent though at first glance this apppears to be a
contradiction. Looks like Mike Ware is on track again.
Dick S.
Dick Sullivan
Bostick & Sullivan
Santa Fe, New mexico