Re: FAQ (was: Luis on Chemists)

Steve Avery (
Mon, 13 May 1996 13:00:47 +1000

Judy Seigel wrote:
> On Fri, 10 May 1996, Mike Ware wrote:
> > It's also just possible, folks, that you don't get a reply because
> > these narrow chemists are so busy trying to discover new knowledge
> > that they don't have time to keep repeating the same old knowledge
> > that is available to anyone prepared to read a book, use a library,
> > or even an e-archive!
> Not to mention the FAQ, for those hooked on instant info. But there
> are, it seems, some folks who don't know an FAQ exists. Wouldn't it be
> possible in this day of highly trained computers to send the FAQ
> automatically with every subscription to the list? (Plus death threats
> for not reading it?)
> Judy

The welcome message for the list now contains the following passage:

Previous messages to the list are archived, and are available via the
listproc. Messages are archived monthly, with all but the current
month available. The first such archive is for March 1994. To retrieve
an archive, send the message:

get alt-photo-process archive-9403

to This will get the archive for March 1994.
To get a different month, the name of the archive is "archive-YYMM"
where YYMM is the last two digits of the year, followed by two digits
for the month (with a zero if less than 10).

It is recommended that you check the archives for information prior
to asking a question on the list. In this manner, you can be sure
you're not asking something which was extensively discussed just last
month. Should you not find something in the recent archives, or be
unclear on information in the archives, feel free to post a question.

I think that is subtle enough isn't it?


p.s. I actually added that passage May 3rd, in case anyone new hasn't
seen it.