Locating Woodbury. and Carbon

Helder de Almeida (u951834@student.canberra.edu.au)
Mon, 13 May 96 13:06:57 +1000

Hi to all

I'm student trying to locate contemporaneous and/or old samples of Carbon
and Woodburytype for my research (diferentiate woodb. and carbon with a
simple spot test). The samples can be failed experiments that the artist or
should I say techniciant made. The point is, I'll tear them apart for some
chemical analysis so it would be better if the samples have no artistic
value or at least minimun. I'll pay the necessary amount of money to get them.

Also is not requisit but I would prefer if I could get them around Australia
since I live in Canberra/Australia.

So if someone make them or have an old box and would mind to get rid off
please contact me.

Better post direct to me

Thanks to all
Helder de Almeida

University of Canberra
Po Box 1
Belconnen ACT 2616

"Time is the biggest enemy of all specially in preservation as in research"

e-mail: u951834@student.canberra.edu.au
Fax:+ 61 6 201 5419
