Crashing the archives...

Steve Avery (
Wed, 22 May 1996 11:33:04 +1000

Ginger Sheridan 6145934280 wrote:
> ... (if it is in the archives already, just let me know. But, after
> earlier posting about crashing the archives, I hesitate to
> download them :-)

This was not the intent of the message. Fetching all the archives is
fine, just do it in batches, and wait until you receive one batch before
getting another. This way you can be sure that things aren't bouncing...

As a general rule, you should also make sure you aren't going to blow
out your disk quota in the process.


p.s. Sorry, but I was just blowing off steam - I don't do it THAT often
(despite getting lovely messages like "Get me off this @&$* list").