Getting the book on paper.

Richard Sullivan (
Fri, 24 May 1996 15:35:19 -0600

Judy said:

>but speaking of books, I've
>asked Terry to tell us the publisher of "Which Paper," which, if it's as
>good as he says, might be appropriate for your expanding catalog.

Then Dick said:

At 10:31 AM 5/23/96 -0400, you wrote:
>On Thu, 23 May 1996, Richard Sullivan wrote:
>> Funny thing, I just this afternoon ordered it from Amazon Books. What a
>> coincidence!
>> If you didn't already know, Amazon is a very large internet bookstore, they
>> claim to have over one million titles. This is my first order. I do miss
>> the big Barnes and Noble in LA.
>No, I didn't know that, but let me suggest you announce it to the
>list. Surely I wasn't the only person thrashing around wondering how to
>get the book.... Also, there was one about pigments, fella name of
>Wilcox, that's in my notes (from the list) but inquiries here led
>nowhere. Barnes & Noble was no help. It's from Australia, BTW.

Now Dick Sullivan says in summation.

I received a automatic reply saying my order had been taken and was going to
be shipped. No mention of back order or anything else. Amazon has been on
Yahoo's "best of" list. This is my first foray with Amazon, so we'll see.

Dick S.
Dick Sullivan
Bostick & Sullivan
Santa Fe, New mexico