Re: a propos of gelatine, Liquid Light and Silverprint

Peter Marshall (
Thu, 30 May 96 12:45 BST-1

In-Reply-To: <>

Silver Gelatin: Martin Reed & Sarah Jones, Working Books, isbn 0-924346-1-x

This is the ISBN as printed in the book!
However it should be:
0 9524346-1-X

You can order this from the publisher:

Working Books Ltd, Methods,
FREEPOST (BS9398) ------this line only for UK customers
England TA1 1BR

You can fax credit card orders to them
Tel =44(0)1823-334994 Fax +44(0)1823-334897

Cost is £19.99
UK carriage for one book: £1.75, Europe £3.25, Rest of World £4.50
Obviously you pay less carriage per copy for multiple orders.

They are also the source of Ag+ photographic darkroom manual and supplements
which I think have been mentioned many times in the past. Contact them for
a leaflet if you are interested as the details are somewhat complex. It is a
very useful publication if somehat undiscriminating at times.

Peter Marshall

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