Re: physiology vs. sensitometry

Pascal Miele (
Thu, 20 Jun 1996 19:05:58 +0000

Peter Marshall wrote

>Coming back to Cartier Bresson I think there is something in the early
>prints that the later technically more perfect prints lack. I suspect in the
>old days he either printed his own work or at least worked much more closely
>together with the printer.

HCB don't print.

The Magnum work in Paris go to PICTORIAL SERVICE (PICTO pour les intimes)
This is the normal way since 1948-49 when Pierre GASMANN founded PICTO in
his kitchen (or bathroom) to do the Magnum work (cf CAPA biography).

All the "tirage de prestige" (exhibithion, museum, etc... prints) is do by
the same team from many years with a very close photographers collaboration.

The real problem with old prints is not technical but sentimental !

In the same exhibition some Sougez prints were vintages and others
were modern Georges Fevre prints (maybe the best PICTO printer),
The Fevre work was Excellent but the Sougez print (too soft)
had an emotional value.

NB: The GASMANN biography would be a great book to write !

Sorry for my very french english !

Pascal MIELE
Atelier Photographique Miele (mardi-samedi 9h-12h/14h-19h)
8 Place Pierre et Marie CURIE Tel 59 60 02 70
64150 MOURENX Fax 59 71 71 50