Some Books & Van Dyke Contrast

Judy Seigel (
Sat, 22 Jun 1996 03:10:07 -0400 (EDT)

While sitting here awaiting explosion from Terry's assault on Z.S., I
re-read my own incoming & found error:

> emergency with someone else's important and too-thin negative, I contacted
> it onto Kodak S0039, Direct Duplicating film, and developed about 3 times

Of course I meant S0339.

And so that nobody has to pay just to download "S0339", here's some info:

A while back there was distress at inability to get James Reilly's Albumen
& Salted Paper Book (Light Impressions, 1980).

Andrew Cahan, Bookseller (N. Carolina) lists it in his current catalog
for $35.

Also "Nonsilver Printing Processes, Four Selections 1886-192), which is
the Arno Press (1973) facsimile of 4 classic manuals (Bennett on
Photogravure, Maskell & Demachy on Gum, Mortimer & Coulthurst on Oil &
Bromoil, & Pizzighelli & Hubl on Platinotype.") $25.

Also the "Darkroom," Lustrum Press, 1977 I took the Victor's intensifier
formula from (Bullock, Burchard, Connor, Clark, Gibson, Hahn, Hosoe,
Krause, Mayes, Michals, Smith, Tice, Uelsmann.) $40.

Andrew Cahan Bookseller, Photography Catalogue #54
Telephone 919/968-0538
Fax 919/968-3517

They have website at http:/
