Copy of: Re: Deionised ossein

TERRY KING (101522.2625@CompuServe.COM)
25 Jun 96 18:52:12 EDT

---------- Forwarded Message ----------

From: TERRY KING, 101522,2625
TO: Judy Seigel,
DATE: 25/06/96 23:33

RE: Copy of: Re: Deionised ossein

The first bit of this is for Judy, Greg & Judy.

When the 'excerpt' function on my Compuserve software started playing up the
aversion therapy of dealing with certain software houses 'help' de[partments led
me to try an alternative method already known to me. Now you tell me that my ""s
do not make sense I have spoken to Jude at Compuserve who put everything right
within fifteen minutes despite his hay fever. I was very impressed.

Sometimes Judy I think you must live on the other side of the looking glass as
everything I seem to have been doing successfully for decades goes wrong when
in Manhattan. Are there Jabberwocks in Central Park Zoo ?

> On Mon, 24 Jun 1996, TERRY KING wrote:
> >> "But the question you didn't answer: Since it's going into tap water for
> >> the development anyway, why use purified to make the gelatine? Is
> >>deionized so pure it goes into shock when exposed to vulgar reality? "
> >
> > Because the chlorine in the tap water, put there to keep us pure, will
> > with the salts in the sensitisers. Add tap water to silver nitrate and the
> > liquid turns milky with silver chloride.
> Terry, notice how nicely this works. One can register the original
> question, your reply, and now what additional remarks I make -- all at a
> glance. Please!!!

See above !

> As I said, since it's going into tap water anyway, for the development,
> don't the salts react with the sensitizers then? You develop

Oh expletive deleted it's done it again!
