RE: water

Steve Avery (
Wed, 26 Jun 1996 13:47:57 +1000

Hi all,
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From: "Philippe MOROUX" <>
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 96 19:14:45 UT
Subject: RE: water

Olivier a dit:

How to purify water for photo chemicals ?
A mud filter+ water softener + ceramic or carbon filter ?
What is necessary to filter ? Ph is not very important because all of
the developer are Ph balanced.
I am building a lab and I am very interested by the subject

I use a very simple resin/carbon filter adapted to a one liter jar.
The type of filter you can eventually use to soften the water for the

Ph is very important by developing the VanDyke version of the kallitype,
because the developer is pure water.
An alkaline water will precipitate the iron salts into an insoluble
which will definitely stain, deep in the fibers of the paper.

Pour prparer des solutions de rvlateur il est toujours prfrable
d'utiliser de l'eau distille, ou ventuellement de l'eau dminralise.
Elle revient cher si tu l'achtes par litre. Un container de 25 ou 50
litres est relativement abordable (10 fois moins cher au litre).

philippe moroux (
.. r. van goensstraat 71, 2593 EG - den haag / nl
.. tel: +31 (70) 347 86 13 - fax: +31 (76) 525 03 05
email: /or/